The obligations imposed by landlord and tenant legislation often present hurdles for landlords and management companies, however, they need not be a headache.
Woodcocks Haworth and Nuttall has a team of specialists who can guide you through the various rights and statutory procedures, in order to ensure that your assets and interests are protected.
We offer a wide range of services to landlords and management companies, which include advising;
- In connection with claims made by tenants to either extend their lease or acquire the freehold to their house or flats, also known as collective enfranchisement;
- If your tenants would like to acquire the Right to Manage; apply to the First Tier Tribunal to appoint a manager or vary the terms of the leases;
- If you would like to sell your freehold interest;
- In order to recover ground rent and service charge arrears or if you are faced with an application made by a tenant for determination of the amounts payable;
- In relation to breaches of the covenants contained within a lease and the options available;
- If you would like to obtain possession of premises and are considering forfeiture of a lease.
Woodcocks Haworth and Nuttall provides a comprehensive range of services to landlords and management companies, guiding them through the statutory processes from start to finish, providing specialist advice, not only in relation to the litigious elements, such as service of any notices, but also up to and including any transactional assistance that you may require, to ultimately buy or sell a property.
We can assist in resolving the dispute if it has already arisen or with a view to avoiding a dispute arising in the future. The aim is to secure a cost effective and efficient resolution without the need to resort to protracted and costly litigation.
Need expert advice? Let us help
To discuss any aspect of long leasehold dispute resolution please contact Eleanor Longworth at our Bury office on 0161 761 4611 or alternatively email eleanor.longworth@whnsolicitors.co.uk.
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