Law firm take to the water for charity

Staff from Woodcocks Haworth and Nuttall took to the water at Salford Quays for the annual Chinese boat festival.

Woodcocks Haworth and Nuttall joined thirteen other teams from across the north of England in one of three heats which included teams from the BBC, Peel and Deloitte which competed for the chance to be 2013 dragon boat champions.

The team of eight which split into two challenging dragon boats were made up of David McCann, Michael Shroot, Nicola Phelps, Suzanne Gallagher, Danny Long, Sara Beaumont, Katie Hardiman and Oliver Bagnall.

The Woodcocks Haworth and Nuttall teams were awarded the wooden paddle at the event.

Senior partner at Woodcocks Haworth and Nuttall, David McCann, said: “This was a great opportunity to be involved in a team building exercise with a difference.

“We enjoyed every minute but maybe we will put a bit more practice in ahead of next year’s race.”

Chinese Dragon Boat Festivals are ancient tradition for Chinese people, dating back to 220 BC, when fishermen raced in boats to save a famous poet from drowning. Now, it is one of the fastest growing team sports.