Concern over NHS failed discharge rates

Have you been failed by your local A&E? If you have, then you aren’t alone as WHN’s Head of Clinical Negligence, Pam Roberts, explains.

Despite a major pledge by the last two governments, the NHS is still failing its patients. The number of people whose health worsens after being discharged and are re-admitted as an emergency is on the rise.

Statistics from the Health & Social Care Information Centre show that there were 42,355 more re-admission cases on the previous year and re-admission rates for those living in areas with a Blackburn postcode were the third highest in the country.

NHS chiefs have also failed to curb the practice of patients being discharged from hospital overnight. Recently the Times newspaper reported more than 300,000 patients since 2012 were discharged late at night in a bid to cut costs and send patients home sooner which has caused major concern for the safety and treatment of patients.

I deal with so many cases where a patient has endured a lot of pain and distress due to NHS failures. These range from negligence in spotting life threatening illnesses to wounds not healing correctly.

While we are aware that the NHS is under immense pressure to sharpen its pencil and A&E departments are often at capacity, there is a need to ensure that those who have suffered have access to justice.

Those who have been affected are often too distressed to explore legal representation but at Woodcocks Haworth and Nuttall our team of experienced specialists will ensure you receive free initial advice without the need to worry about the costs. We are also confident that you will achieve the highest level of compensation for your injuries, both physical and emotional, along with any loss of income.

To speak to an expert today, call Tanzeela Aslam on 0161 761 4611 or email her at