Scheme launched to cut employer tribunals

A new scheme has been launched which intends to reduce the number of claims against employers that are taken to a tribunal hearing.

Before an employee wishes to issue a claim, they must now go through an early conciliatory scheme administered by The Advisory, Conciliation and Arbitration Service (ACAS) to discover whether the dispute can be resolved through conciliation.

The aim of the scheme is to avoid the costs and uncertainty of going to court.

At WHN, our employment law experts have experience of the new scheme.

Partner and Head of the Employment Law team, Michael Shroot, commented: “This is a useful scheme that can save on time and expense in the long term, but it is essential for any party involved, before entering into any negotiation through conciliation, to make sure that you have been fully advised as to your rights and entitlements by a solicitor.

“Agreeing a fair result is the main objective and without the experts on your side, you could end up paying out when there is no requirement to do so.”

The average cost to an employer of going to a full tribunal is estimated by ACAS at £3,700. By contrast, the pilot scheme on which early conciliation is based has an estimated cost to employers of just £480.

Whether you need to keep up to date with legislative changes, prevent disputes from happening, or require representation at an Employment Tribunal, our employment specialists can assist in every aspect of employment law.

To speak to an expert, contact Michael Shroot on 0161 761 8087 or email